Free Download AIMP 3.55.1320 Update Terbaru
1:31 PM
Free Download AIMP3 Terbaru 2013. New update AIMP v3.55.1320 Gratis full version. Software Aplikasi untuk memutar musik gratis dan ringan dengan kualitas suara yang sangat baik dan banyak equalizer.
AIMP3 adalah aplikasi pemutar musik (audio player) gratis yang dirancang dengan kualitas suara yang luas dan ringan untuk digunakan. Lebih dari dua puluh format audio yang didukung. AIMP bekerja dengan beberapa playlist segera, memungkinkan penciptaan bookmark dan juga memiliki antrian pemutaran.
AIMP3 merupakan salah satu pemutar musik terbaik yang Anda dapat menemukan di Internet. Audio diproses dalam 32-bit untuk dapat mengeluarkan kualiatas suara yang sangat jelas. Anda juga dapat mengatur Equalizer dengan 18-band equalizer grafis dengan efek suara ekstra built-in.
- Crystal-clear sound, teknologi reproduksi dasarnya berbeda dari Winamp dan WMP
- sensitif equalizer
- Maksimal fungsionalitas dari minimal sumber daya
- Konsumsi minimal sumber daya sistem
- Multilingual dukungan
- Dukungan set format audio
- Penyesuaian kunci panas global dan lokal (pola dari WinAmp dan WMP)
- Pilihan fleksibel dari program dan mencakup berbagai akan memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat AIMP benar-benar individu
- Dukungan plug-in dengan yang membantu dimungkinkan untuk memperluas peluang program
- The audioconverter kode musik dari format yang paling berbeda di wma, mp3, wav, ogg
- Ditambah banyak lagi!
Update Perbaikan dan penambahan terbaru :
# Major Changes
* Advanced Search: The "file Location" menu item has been added
* Advanced search: Added an ability to add files to the queue via middle mouse button click
* Bookmarks: Added an ability to add playlists to the bookmarks
* Bookmarks: "Bookmarks Manager" dialogue - quick search has been added
* Bookmarks: "Bookmarks Manager" dialogue - usability has been improved
* Manual: Added search ability
* Sound Engine: Anticlipping
* Sound Engine: Added an ability to customize resampling speed/quality
* Sound Engine: Added an ability to use dithering when decreasing bit depth
* Sound Engine: activating / deactivating effects are now processed more smoothly
* Sound Engine: The SoXR library is now used for resampling
* Sound Engine: Cache system has been improved - read latency has been reduced
* Sound Engine: Performance has been increased
* Plugins: The "Internet Radiostation Catalog" plugin has been removed, you can access to catalogs via internet browser
* Player: Fading and cross mixing settings has been moved to DSP Manager dialogue
* Player: Cross mixing setting has been expanded
* Tags: replay gain are now supported for MusePack v8 format
* Advanced Search: The "file Location" menu item has been added
* Advanced search: Added an ability to add files to the queue via middle mouse button click
* Bookmarks: Added an ability to add playlists to the bookmarks
* Bookmarks: "Bookmarks Manager" dialogue - quick search has been added
* Bookmarks: "Bookmarks Manager" dialogue - usability has been improved
* Manual: Added search ability
* Sound Engine: Anticlipping
* Sound Engine: Added an ability to customize resampling speed/quality
* Sound Engine: Added an ability to use dithering when decreasing bit depth
* Sound Engine: activating / deactivating effects are now processed more smoothly
* Sound Engine: The SoXR library is now used for resampling
* Sound Engine: Cache system has been improved - read latency has been reduced
* Sound Engine: Performance has been increased
* Plugins: The "Internet Radiostation Catalog" plugin has been removed, you can access to catalogs via internet browser
* Player: Fading and cross mixing settings has been moved to DSP Manager dialogue
* Player: Cross mixing setting has been expanded
* Tags: replay gain are now supported for MusePack v8 format
Screenshot :
Rincian File :
Title: AIMP 3.55.1320
Filename: aimp_3.55.1320.exe
File size: 7.28MB (7,629,568 bytes)
Requirements: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64 / Windows8 / Windows8 64
Languages: Multiple languages
License: Freeware
Semoga bermanfaat ^_^
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